D&D Travel's New England Series presents...The Nook Farm Neighborhood, home of the Mark Twain House, the Harriet Beecher Stowe Home and the Katharine Seymour Day House, in Hartford, Connecticut...Please enjoy!  -D&D [HOME]  

The world-famous Mark Twain House, where author Samuel Clemens and family lived from 1874 to 1891. The gorgeous property on Forest Street in Hartford has a large, lovely visitors center and offers tours of the home year-round. You may visit the grounds free of charge. For additional information on visiting the Mark Twain Home, please click here!

Adjacent to the Mark Twain House is the Katharine Seymour Day home, part of the Harriet Beecher Stowe homestead, with its beautiful gardens. Author Beecher Stowe was Katharine's great aunt. Day moved into her home in 1927. She was instrumental in helping to raise funds to buy and preserve Twain's home next door, which had been set to be torn down to make way for an automobile dealership!!! Please Click here for more details on Katharine Seymour Day...

Above and below - part of the Victorian gardens on the Harriet Beecher Stowe property...

Above and below: Harriet Beecher Stowe's residence, built in 1871 and purchased by her in 1873. She lived in the 14-room home until she died in 1896. It has been lovingly restored. Tours are offered year round. The home is located at 77 Forest Street in Hartford, Connecticut. Click here for more details on visiting this important landmark!

Thanks for visiting!

Images c. 2013, Dennis A. Hubbs, D&D Travel Services, LLC




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